Maintenance & Property division

Maintenance & Property division

Why should I make a Will?
  • So that your family and loved ones are provided for and that your property is given to the people that you would intend to get it.
  • If you do not it will mean that you die Intestate which means that you die without a Will. That means the Law of British Columbia will regulate who should get what and will lead to delay for the surviving members of your family and cause much distress as to what it is you wanted to happen.
  • Partners who are not married have no automatic right to their deceased partner’s estate. It is essential that a Will is made to consider unmarried partners and any children.
  • There may be heirlooms for example jewellery that you wish specific people to have – this can be detailed within your Will.
  • Our experienced team will guide you through all the matters you will need to consider so that your Will is best designed to meet you and your family’s needs.
If I have a Will do I need to do anything?
  • You may need to make changes to your Will as situations change over time. For example, family members may no longer be with us and new ones may have come into the world. Your Will should take this into account and reflect on your changing circumstances.
  • Even if you have a Will that has been drawn up by another firm of Solicitors or a Will Writing firm we will take a look at it for you free of charge and see if you need to do anything at the present time.